The Work Ahead is Remote

Chatek is launching Tikoly, in private beta, a remote collaboration coaching service.

The Work Ahead is Remote

After Covid19, the ability to work remotely is not optional anymore. It's a MUST for more and more job roles. If you are reading this, you're probably going through a not-so-easy journey to transition yourself to a post-Covid19 world of work.

Here at Chatek LLC, we have been slightly ahead of time in working remotely. Since 2016, Chatek team has been working with clients world wide as a small, distributed and happy team specialized on Internet-of-Things tech design and development. We've been working from home or anywhere, meeting clients at co-working offices, traveling to beautiful tourist resorts, such as Thailand, for face-to-face work sprints, while delivering value to our clients. We haven't missed any important days of life, friends' wedding, kids' birthdays, or major holidays. Over the years, we've achieved meaning sales and revenue that substain our team mastes' lives.

Most important of all, we are in TOTAL control of our lives and happiness.

It's not just a reward well-deserved after years of hard work in normal companies and startups.

All-remote work has been a PROMISE of modern Internet and the ever-deepening division of labor the Internet is enabling. With TikoLab, we are simply making it happen at the right time.

In TikoLab coaching, Chatek team will be sharing our remote collaboration expertise to the world. We're sharing the philosophies, the asynchronous work principles, the tooling and more importantly, our hands-on coaching. We're enabling you to work remotely with others and to deliver value to your users and clients.

Stay tuned for our upcoming coaching service, TikoLab. I am hoping that you're able to

Master remote work, revive happy life.

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